Sunday, January 28, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEHIANG AND EUNICE!heh :D today was fun! went to their birthday party (: we were damn high! and we contributed to 90% of the noise ._. LOL :D
hhahahahahah we played hide and seek! the first time we played, me jenzi and nana were the catchers! AND stupid ah hiang, amina, claud, eunice and one more i cant remember ._. ,were like sitting at the fountain! and staring at the moon! (or so i think) and we caught them! lol stupid people like them started running D: caught amina first :D :D HAHAHAHA so fun :D we saw a snail on the way back to the poolside ._. and it was SQUISHED D: poor snail D: i shall mourn for it D: -mourns-
then we went to find the rest, ie. cher, trish and others! i cant remember who ._. THEY WERE HIDING BEHIND THE BUSHES WTH -.- and it was super muddy and the mud was squishy. HAHAHAHAH SO FUNNY. hahaha at first we didnt know where they were then nana was talking about some bush which had a trail so we went in and TADA we found them! :D
okay then we went up to cut cake :D
AND THAT WAS WHEN MY HAIR BECAME CREAMY -.- why? because stupid beehiang dropped the chocolate on me D: okay lah it was also because i was greedy ._. HAHAHA. and it plopped onto my hair and my hair was all creamy and sticky =/ ohwell :D then nice cher helped me wipe off the visible cream (: but it was still sticky and creamy and gross D: so i came back and bathed and now i feel super clean :D i shampoo-ed my hair twice! :D :D :D
ehhh then after cutting the cake we went down to play hide and seek again ._. HAHAHHA. i wasnt the catcher this time! but almost was ._. then i went to hide with mina and nana! (oooo two nanas.) and we decided to be statues at under the pavilion, shang-ing the yue. but we gave up shang-ing the yue because i couldnt see it ._. actually mina and nana cld have continued lor! but i dont know why they stopped ._. lol. and we got found out! nana can control her laughter damn well lah -.- mina started bursting out in laughter first -.- then i couldnt stand it and it was my turn then nana was last :D hahahahahah.
then we went back to the poolside and decided to hide again :D we wanted to sit under that umbrella thingy which had enough chairs for three of us BUT then the catchers saw us and started chasing us! OMG. then i dropped one of my slipper lah hahahahahaha so i had to run back and take it and risk getting caught by them D: luckily i didnt! :D :D
then they gave us on us (i think) and targetted on others! then we changed hiding place again :D i plonked down the errr i dont know what those chairs are called. but they always have it beside pools. those kind you can sort of lie down on! :D i plopped down on one of them and mina started pretending to fan me and nana was like " i can be the one feeding her grapes!" HAHAHAHAH! then the catchers saw us D: oh oh! DOT WAS TAKING PICTURES. HAHAHAHAH
then we went back to the playground and realised trish and cher were gone :O then we asked dot (because she was one of the catchers) "have you found trish and cher?" and she replied no :O :O :O :O so we went to find them :D hahahaha then mina was like saying something like "tomorrow on the newspaper it'll be like: on 28jan07, two girls were playing hide and seek and disappeared (or did she use missing ._.) !" and then she added " after that, three girls became missing too!" lol fyi, the three girls were me nana and HER HERSELF. HAHAHAHAHA because we went to look for them then scully we get lost too D:
ahahahah then we cldnt find them so we decided to pretend to cry because we were so upset we couldnt find them D: so nana started yawning ._. so that her tear glands can react -.- then mina was like "the easiest way to make me cry is to make me laugh!" HAHAHAHHAHA SO GAY. hahahahah but then in the end we gave up and decided that nana crying alone was enough :D
so we went back to the playground CRYING when someone told us that trish and cher has been hiding at the playground all this while -.- hahahahahah then i was like " LETS KILL THEM!" hahahahahaha because they made us cry D:
then after that the five of us climbed up on the playground thingy :D and they started singing dora the explorer songs -.- LOL and guess which mountain we climbed on :D :D :D :D (hint: someone should know the best! :D :D :D lol i bet you know who you are!) HAHAHAHAH then we were laughing like crap. then mina is the best lah. she knows like everything. and we started singing powerpuff girls and then dot was taking a picture of us posing as SUPERwoMAN! :D :D :D hahahahaha we were super high. oh yes! then jenzi was like WET because she got dunked into the pool D: and she came touching our legs with her WET HANDS! :O then mina and nana and cher started singing the gay sea monster song ._. then we felt like we were going to fall off that small space so we decided to get off (:
and then we sat on the seesaw and played for a while. and trish's ass kept hitting the plastic thing :D we cld hear her buttbone banging on it! HAHAHAHAH. then after that it was already nine plus so i had to call my daddy to fetch me. and nana went home with me (:
lol then when nana came to my house at first the cat wasnt there! then me and my maid kept meow-ing and it finally came! :D :D :D lucky nana! heh then we patted it and nana patted it too :D and it ALMOST scratched nana! because nana was touching its lower body, near its tail there and its ticklish for him D: almost lah! then cos she was talking to me and her face was facing me so she didnt know ._. then my maid shrieked and nana moved her hand fast enough! LOL. and nana was so fascinated with its paws/claws :D :D
heh okay long post.
goodbye folks!
11:23 PM
week FIVE is coming.
i cant believe it! week FOUR is going to be over soon D: and tests are coming too D: oh no i'm so dead =/ i think im going to DIE for math. molihua goes so fast its hard to absorb anything. but what do you expect, she's a gep teacher lah. which is bad because she assumes that we learn as fast as the gep people! its not fair D: and we have math EVERYDAY which is making me go bonkers because i know my brain is going to burst soon D: ITS EVEN WORSE THAN CHINESE! i think wulao is damn cute :D HEH. i like her!
it feels like only one week passed =/ why does time fly so fast ):
i think im going to fail all my tests lah. geog test next friday. so scary. He cheated our feelings and told us that it was on a later date earlier. Then the last lesson we had with him he suddenly told us it was next week lah. So scary D:
i bought my girl's OST! omg all the songs are like damn nice (: heh. oh oh and john tucker must die's vcd is out! like finally :D :D :D me and nana waited for like so long lah! cant remember when we watched it. lol. but it should be a few months.
beehiang and eunice's birthday party tomorrow! i cant wait (: im excited! but my mommy's going overseas tomorrow too ): she's leaving for the airport at three! so we'll be sending her off first (:
i want to learn how to speak korean! then when i watch korean drama serials in future, i dont have to take the trouble to read the subtitles while i wanna see the actor and actresses' facial expressions! and it gets really irritating sometimes D: cos i don't like to listen to the chinese voices D: i prefer the original voices (: hahahaha bianca also!
oh yes there was flag-day today! quite fun afterall (: just that it's very tiring. and it made me bolder! hahaha at first when we started doing i didnt even dare to ask people at all =/ i'd walk up to them and not say anything =/ then they'll pretend they didnt see me (wth!) and just walk past me like that. because they saw us holding TINS D:
there are very interesting people. for example someone asked me if i'm wrong IP ._. and of course i said yes. and there was this super cute taiwanese tourist! he wanted to take a photo with me ._. lol! so i agreed since he donated to us :D
then there were the starbucks people! they were promoting their brownies and mocha. i think. and they asked us to take D: then at first the guy who was holding the mocha and brownies approached trish and trish took the brownie! lol. then they were giving away free coupons lah! so we took :D and we helped them go back faster okay! then the guy had like two brownies left and lianghui and i havent taken yet ._. so he came up to us. i didnt want to eat one lor -.- then cos lianghui took then if i dont take damn paiseh. so i was like oh fine i'll take it. then we asked them to donate lor! and they said they didnt bring along their wallet. aw man! so wasted D: lol then when the left trish was like saying next time remember to bring ur wallet. HAHAHAHAH TRISH IS SO FUNNY.
then there was this guy trish approached and he said that he didnt have small change and only had notes. and trish was like its okay you can give notes too. and he was like i only have big notes. LOL and trish was like you can give big notes too :D HAHAHAHAH gay trish! then it was green man and he just walked away -.-
oh then there were like SO many schools doing on the same day lah! D: we cldnt find out spot until quite late! i swear we walked alot okay. we walked from somerset station till dhoby gaut station trying to look for OUR spot and then we decided to take down to rafflescity and so we got off at cityhall and then sandy was saying that there's this plac with a lot of people and she was like "walk straight and turn right". we followed her directions BUT it was deserted EVERYWHERE LAH. so we decided to go to guan yin temple ._. but we didnt know how to go there =/ and so we decided to go to NLB. but it was super deserted too. actually got people. but very few. then we approached like a few and got abit of donations but after that it suddenly became super empty/deserted too! D: so demoralising. then in the end we decided to walk to bugis D: we walked so much! D: D: my legs were like aching lah. and not to mention the ACCOMPANYING muscle aches. i ended up with these muscle aches after the whole day D:
shoulder ache: flag-day! from holding that tin for so long D:
neck ache: flag-day!
back ache: dance! until i cannot even hunch my back lah! D:
butt ache: dance! i cannot plonk myself down on hard surfaces =/ and when i cross my legs i can feel the stretch D: THATS how pain it is! D:
knee ache: flag-day! after shopping for ah hiang and eunice's present i was practically limping D:
inner thigh ache: dance!
yes i think thats about it (:
luckily i didnt get a sore throat =/ from asking so many people. lol. but there were veryvery nice people too (:
oh yes. trish forgot to bring elmo home on friday! mainly because he was with me and she left before i did and she forgot to take him D: aw man. you're his guardian lor D: tsktsk! HAHAHAH heh i became his guardian for two days ._. trish he's sleeping with me now :D :D :D :D i brought him today but i forgot to pass him to you -.- which means that he'll be spending another night with me (:
speaking about elmo, i made a slide for him! materials : waterbottle, marker pencil box, my wallet! it's damn cool. i bet he loves it (: i shall take a photo using my camera of him on monday when i set it up again in class (: and i shall take a video too. heh then i'll upload on youtube and you all can see what its like :D :D :D
okay thats it for today!
Toodles (:
12:16 AM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
i saw 210 today :D when we were waiting for our turn to FINALLY eat at dintaifung, the number on that electronic board thingy was flashing 210! :D and so i took a picture (: but its freaking blur. because i had to zoom. and i felt like a retard. i mean, who would take a picture of that electronic thing! -.- anyway it was damn cool (: took me some time to realise though!
and i think blogger is stupid now. they don't allow dashes on urls anymore lah -.- i WANTED to change my url and it wasnt available so i decided to just forget it and save all the trouble D: so irritating D: the GUY who took my url hasnt been using his blog for like two years?!?!?!?! -.- eh but how do we delete a blog? ._. lol
my whole body is filled with bruises ): damn pain! my elbow one's damn pain lah. it got aggravated today because we rolled somemore D: all you need to do is touch it on the surface LIGHTLY and it'll hurt =/ and my ribcage D: i bet clara's ribcage is aching too! we were both dying from that pose D: cannot breathe one lor! =/ i almost died. then when i got up my hands and legs were like numb and i was gong gong =/ hahahaa.
and im having muscle aches all over as well D: because of that idontknowwhatitscalled._. action! but its damn nice if we do it properly (: yenn ngee can do it damn well ._. we were all like O.O HAHAHA.
amina finally blogged! :O a few days ago ._.
i cant believe there's no one online okay -.- at first there was still iris then she has esip so she went to sleep so now im like stranded on the computer D: of course there are other dodos online but i dont talk to them =/ its weird suddenly saying HELLO(: to someone you don't usually talk to. BORING.
my maternal grandfather went for an operation today ): i forgot and don't know how to spell that part of the body ._. but anyway we visited him just now and he seemed fine (: hope he's feeling fine and not in so much pain! rah then my brother had some squash friendly match so he couldnt go D: and he came back damn late because he went for supper with his team mates!
stupid bianca and nana are so gay! lol after dance today they tried to make me laugh -.- and AS USUAL, bianca made her stupid gay face! HAHAHAH and they started flaring their nostrils at me -.- and i started flaring back at them too :D :D :D :D I ALSO CAN DO OKAY :D :D :D :D :D :D hahahahahaha gayness.
iloveTWOTEN! (:
p.s. okay that was random. and omg so cool its 1234! :D :D
12:34 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
you don't know how tired i am.
you don't.
1:59 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
teachers shouldn't be discouraging them from learning. afterall, teachers are supposed to let students know and experience the JOY of learning. it is not fair and really wrong that students do not dare to show their true potential just because they feel that there's no one there to help them. it's just really sad and it really shows the flaws that the singapore government has failed to notice about our education system. although i have to say that it has already reached a very high standard but there's always room for improvement.
it's really biased. as much as how some people say teachers are overrated, but i still strongly believe that they should be a good role model to students. they are teachers themselves and they not only teach students but learn while teaching too. as a teacher, you should know other tactics other than scolding to make ur students work even harder than they are now and unleash their true potential instead of keeping it inside themselves. there are many different types of students and as their teacher, you should take the time to know them and find out what tactic is the best way to make them work hard and be willing to learn.
we all should be given equal chances and opportunities. however i agree that students should be spontaneous, proactive and responsive (although i admit that i don't always do so). this part is up to them and i do understand it is not easy being a teacher but even so, patience is a virtue (: especially with slower students. and teachers should ALWAYS make it a point to check if students are able to catch up with the school topics and syllabus.
although i do have to say that some teachers scold because they are concerned for their students but there should be a limit. even if you scold ur students everyday, after a while the effect wears off because they're so used to it, it doesnt make a difference in their lives anymore. and they just treat it as something they have to go through everyday.
im not saying that teachers totally do not have a right to reprimand their students. what im saying is that they should have a reason for doing so. but they should come up with more effective ways to make their own students realise what they're doing is wrong, or motivate them even more to do the correct things. i believe that every student has a reason for their actions. maybe they think that they're beyond hope? and its never ever nice to feel that way so teachers should try to encourage them more, give them more confidence to make them feel better, in a way, so that they'll perhaps WANT to do better.
that's all (: i hope i don't get sued or anything ._.
3:02 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
you dodos out there really gotta check out the iPhone okay. go to (:
omg its really damn cool lah! go there and click on the iPhone tab and read all about it. i was like WOW. and the storage is like WTF. 4GB/8GB -.- when i saw the storage size i literally stoned there lah! ._. and i swear you all gotta read the technology part. its soooo interesting and amazing lah. it's like there are sensors to detect movement so the phone knows when you turn it, and when you put it to ur ear. DAMN COOL LAH!
if only they had a white version :D lol then i was talking to beehiang about it yesterday and i was like maybe i should go and write an email to them and suggest it :D and maybe they'll share profits with me! i shan't be greedy and only ask for 1% :D :D :D but it's highly impossible ._. at least i know i don't think i'll be bothered to do so. so dodos out there who feel like they wanna suggest it on the behalf of it (._.) you may do so! :D lol.
i bet their shares are gonna rise again.
but the phone's only coming to singapore in JUNE! which is really sad D: singapore is so lag D: eh oh yah. the only bad thing about the phone is that its camera is only 2 megapixels ): whereas the current camera phones are like 3 megapixels. that's the only SIGH point. the rest are like PERFECT! ((:
oh and the cat which always comes to our house now lets us pat it! omg its freaking cute lah. it'll like curl up and lie down on the floor when it wants us to pat it (: so cute! and it'll close its eyes when you help him scratch his head. yes, it's a him. he has balls ._. hahahaha whereas the grey cat doesnt. ._. lol. it likes to play in our garden :D and it'll like throw our rocks all over the garden lah! D: and it'll stand on its hind legs for a while while trying to lift the rock with its paws! OMG DAMN CUTE. then i took a video of it too! but it was in the evening when i took it sooo its kind of dark. the pictures too! because i didnt wanna scare it with flash D: next time i reach home early i shall hurry up take my camera and SNAPSNAPSNAP :D
hahaha okay thats all for today!
TOODLES dodos (:
p.s. bleach 110! :D :D :D
3:25 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
okay i'm so dead.
there's guitar tomorrow and i haven't practiced for like what, three weeks? shit. im so going to die tomorrow. i dont even know if i can remember how to play the piece =/ die die die die die. thats what i get for always doing last minute stuff! D:
oh and just to let you dodos out there know, my phone is SPOILT. it should be fine within a week or so. so for this week, don't sms me till i blog again saying that my phone is perfectly fine already! ooo luckily i still have warranty card lah (: heh i hope they wont be able to fix my phone then i can get a NEW phone! BUT SHIT LAH. that means all my images and all will be gone ): i don't know what that means. maybe its fate asking me to move on faster and stop holding on to the past. but whatever maybe im just thinking too much.
oh yes. i HATE being FM lah wth ): im like waiting PATIENTLY for the time when we'll vote for the new committee members ( thank goodness!) if they don't right, i'm going to die okay. seriously. being an FM sucks lah. i have to create a duty roster lah for goodness sake -.- and i never really payed attention to how chentian makes the duty roster ._. and i cant remember the duties. and i dont know where's my other FM! she's supposed to help me make the duty roster too! wahlao im damn pissed lah. i missed the treasurer post by ONE INDEX NUMBER D: and if the class wants me to continue being the FM for the WHOLE YEAR (i really hope not D:), i'm going to PROTEST and OBJECT violently! D: i dont want to be FM D: its like one year of HELL D: have to change markers etc.
hahaha cher and trish are better off than me but NOT MUCH better off! cher is CME rep and trish is PCCG! hahahahaha i hope i didn't get it wrong. damn funny lah. we got all the shit posts ._. cher also wants to be treasurer! ((: we can be treasurers together! but in any case, if our current treasurer doesnt have anything against being a treasurer, we can't really do anything because its not within our rights and she did get the post first. sooo i'll let cher be the treasurer since i was already one last year. hopefully i get to be treasurer next year! :D being a treasurer is fun lor. we get to collect money :D moneymoneymoney makes the world go round! :D lol gay amina's phrase ._.
and there's still math homework D: nevermind i can do that tomorrow night -.- at the worst sleep late again lor. lol.
oh yah! i took off my bottom teeth braces as well! but he fixed a permanent retainer there cos im SUPER busy next week D: monday tuition, tuesday dance, wednesday dance, thursday tuition, friday dance, saturday tuition+ballet+pierce ears! and sunday they're not open i think.
oh yah im going to buy new shoes tomorrow -.- wahlao -.- damn mafan lah. i dont know why the school is so fussy. my logo is like LESS THAN 90% of the whole shoe lah! just that some parts have silver... and the colours reddish-pink so its more obvious ._. last time they weren't so strict lor! i dont know why they suddenly set this new rule -.- so i have to go and find a shoe whereby the logo is WHITE so they wont make any noise -.- but i think its really veryvery unreasonable for them to not accept the black lines on the northstar shoes. maybe blue or red or pink is still reasonable but if its BLACK i dont see any reason why its not acceptable! -.- poor bianca and jas have to go and do something D: oh yah and trish is also damn poor thing! NEW SHOE and she got caught on the FIRST DAY. i got caught on the first day too -.- lol and its time nana bought new shoes too! hahaha when she came to school on the first day we were like WOW SO WHITE! HAHAHAHA shows what colour her shoe is usually :D and charis is a cheater! her logo's in pink lor! just that its superduper light so its not really visible D: cheat one D:
heh im eating nana's chocolate now! its nice ((:
okay you know what, i got to go and make the duty roster now -.-
3:46 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
i'm so tired. im supposed to sleep at like 11.30 but i dragged until now. haha. i don't know why im so sleepy today lah. its like before i went to bathe just now i was reading a magazine on my bed and then my eyelids were like closing already so i was thinking of like just closing my eyes for a few minutes and i fell asleep. hahaha.
and IH was funny today. for no particular reason. i just laughed like crap and i couldn't stop ._. and i had no tablemate today.
finally had dance after soooo long! gosh. i havent danced for like two weeks i think D: i miss dance! there wasnt much change since i left. managed to get back on track today (: we screwed up orientation this year ): i think there'll be super few sec ones joining this year ): but nevermind! we'll continue to impress them with RESULTS (:
okay my father just came in to ask me to sleep. i cant believe i have tuition tomorrow. in the MORNING. shucks.
that's all for today.
4:12 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
second day of school!
still kinda slack. i like my LA and BIO teacher! they're both damn nice! especially bio (: omg she's like so super soft-spoken and gentle and not intimidating it makes us feel so much more comfortable in her presence. Irene gave us time for interaction during LA (: nicenice! our group didnt know how to "advertise" our own selling points. hahahaha so all the while we were like crapping crapping and irene said that we looked like we were the most ready =/ omg we were so not =/ and she's only collecting cwe on wednesday! and i stayed up so late and rushed like mad lah D: but nevermind (: maybe i can read over my stupid story and see whether i can like edit somemore.
IH tomorrow... gosh. cher trish and i arent exactly looking forward to it although i'd like to learn more about economics ((: but errr... -.- nevermind. inside thing. anyway! susie is funny (: and amusing. hahahha.
beehiang's damn poor thing ): poor beehiang ): you must be strong! (: tenners will forever be here for you whenever you need us (: don't hate school because it'll only make u more negative and make you feel like the day is such a drag and thats even worse! so THINK POSITIVELY (lol assembly).
orientation tomorrow! although im not dancing hu die this year, i hope the rest will still put up a good performance and attract the sec ones! (:
oh yah. speaking of which, we were standing outside charis' classroom this morning right before flag-raising and nana said she saw some weird people wearing their nametags under the red nanyang words ._. lol i cant imagine how they looked like. and the thing is, they werent sec ones because they were wearing red name tags! (like us. hohoho) funny dodos.
see lah trish! you influence me to say dodos D: and cher you influenced trish! wow chain reaction. lol. cwe essay topic "CHAIN REACTION" hahahahha.
anywya i think i wanna sleep early today! slept for four hours for two days D: and its like only the first week of school wth. and today while fetching my brother to tuition i followed along and for the WHOLE trip i was sleeping in the car lah omg D: then after we reached home i woke up and my neck was aching D:
i suddenly like to write letters again :D
new blogskin (:
3:31 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
it's a brand new year. i feel curious yet hesitant. i really don't know what's going to happen this year. i seriously cannot predict anything. i hope sec3 wont be as tiring as i think it'll be but i know it's quite impossible.
anyway i really hope my wishes for this year will come true, which i will not expose, and that it'll be a fulfilling year for all of us. i hope i'll be able to continue to grow even more and i really do hope that the 7ofus will still stay as close as we are now.
that's all for now.
3:59 PM